Fundraising Made Easy

Access to Capital Solutions for SMEs

Empower Your Small and Medium Size Enterprises (SMEs) with our Access to Capital Fundraising Services.

Why Choose Eris Canada to Help with access to Capital Strategy Needs?

Welcome to Eris Canada Solutions’ RPA Services, designed exclusively for CEOs of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). In today’s fast-paced business landscape, harnessing the power of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is essential for achieving operational efficiency, cost savings, and competitiveness. Explore how Eris Canada can empower your business through our RPA solutions.

For CEOs and Owners

Our Access to Capital Services Your Business Success:

Financial Assessment

We start by evaluating your financial health and business goals to determine your capital needs.

Our experts work closely with you to develop a tailored funding strategy that aligns with your growth plans.

We identify and assist you in applying for relevant grants and incentives to support your projects.

We provide guidance on securing loans, equity investments, and venture capital to fund your initiatives.

We help you create robust financial models and projections to support your funding requests.

Our services include risk assessment and mitigation strategies to increase your chances of securing capital.

Why access to capital MATTER FOR SMEs

Access to capital is undeniably the lifeblood of any growing business. It’s the fuel that propels you forward, the key that unlocks doors to expansion, innovation, and sustainability. However, for Small and Medium-sized Enterprise (SME) CEOs, this journey can often be fraught with obstacles and challenges, making the need for tailored access to capital solutions even more critical. Here’s why securing the right capital is absolutely essential for you:

Fueling Growth

Adequate capital allows you to invest in new markets, products, and technologies, driving business growth.

Competitive Edge

Access to funding can help you stay ahead in a dynamic marketplace, ensuring you remain competitive.


Capital enables you to invest in research, development, and innovation, fostering long-term success.

access to capital solutions

Why Choose Eris Canada Solutions


Our team consists of seasoned financial experts and industry specialists who have successfully secured funding for SMEs.


With a proven track record in obtaining grants, loans, and investments, we ensure you access the capital needed to thrive.


As an approved entity, we have inside knowledge of available funding programs and can help you navigate the application process.

Expert insights

Time has changed: Expanding Access to Capital

In the current landscape of digital transformation, SME CEOs must recognize that access to capital is not just a financial necessity but a strategic imperative for sustainable growth. The traditional avenues for securing funding are evolving, and it's imperative for SMEs to adapt to new digital paradigms in financing. The time has changed, and CEOs must proactively explore innovative methods to grow their access to capital.

Digital platforms have democratized access to capital, offering crowdfunding, peer-to-peer lending, and online investment avenues that provide SMEs with diverse funding sources. By leveraging these digital channels, CEOs can reach a broader investor base, showcase their business potential, and secure funding more efficiently than ever before. This shift towards digital financing not only enhances liquidity but also fosters a culture of innovation and adaptability within the organization.

Growing access to capital in the digital age is about embracing financial technology, data analytics, and digital marketing strategies to attract investors. CEOs who strategically navigate the digital financing landscape position their companies for resilience and success. As the business landscape continues to transform, cultivating a dynamic approach to capital acquisition becomes a cornerstone for SMEs aiming to thrive in the competitive and ever-evolving digital marketplace.


Get in touch today and receive a complimentary consultation.


Craig Mclaren Founder & CEO | "Wolf Advanced Technologies"

"Wolf Advanced Technologies sincerely thanks Eris Canada Solutions for guiding our successful CDAP grant application. Their expert proposal not only helped with the strategy to modernize our data centers but also provided insight to leverage AI to enhance our customer outreach. We value their proficiency and look forward to future collaborations."

Jeffrey Abrams Principal, Lawyer | "AK Immigration"

"AK Immigration sincerely commends Eris Canada Solutions for their pivotal role in obtaining our CDAP grant approval. Their astutely crafted Digital Transformation proposal seamlessly integrated AI technologies – spanning content generation, automated social media management, refined sales funnels, in-depth sales analytics, and an AI-enhanced SEO strategy – providing us with a modernized edge in sales and marketing. We are profoundly grateful for their expertise and look forward to a continued prosperous relationship."

Eric Charette VP Business Development | "Virtual Process"

“Virtual Process wholeheartedly endorses Eris Canada Solutions for their exemplary guidance in securing the CDAP grant through a meticulously crafted Digital Transformation plan. Their expertise not only aided our successful grant approval but also provided a robust strategy to digitally transform our business with AI and other cutting-edge technologies. With Eris Canada's unparalleled professionalism and deep understanding of our unique needs, we're confidently positioned for future success.”

Expert Insight

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